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    Wednesday, December 09, 2009


    Today was a really busy day in nine west. I nearly die of exhaustion and now my leg is aching like crazy.
    The vip sales was really insane, ok I think this is not the worst yet, I bet I would have more work to do tomorrow.
    If it wasn't for work, I would be at butter fact now clubbing my night away.
    But it's alright, there's still 20th at Powerhouse, anyway I don't have the mood to club tonight as well, so yeah
    Met the bff, Shanice, Kehui, Ben and the apron boys.
    We decide that we would head to Ben's working place to have our meal one day, creamy pasta?
    Shanice is going overseas again and I'll miss you ok! Faster come back
    Bff is back now and I met her yesterday, she bought me really cute stuffs and we're gonna head to Bkk the start of next year together right?
    Rachel, I'll miss you too, don't worry. I promise you when you're back, we will have fun together.
    I'm a tired girl now and I've ugly nails now, time for a visit to Central for a manicure again.
    Goodnight I'm prepared for a hectic day tomorrow again, but how am I supposed to climb the ladder in this state tomorrow?
    Anyway I met a really cute group of customers today which makes working fun.
    I know I still have a lot of photos that I have not uploaded yet, but soon.
    I promise, soon

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