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    Sunday, April 25, 2010


    No drinking tonight. 
    I'm feeling so tired but I just can't sleep and I'm just too lazy to move about. 
    Maybe another day where we can head somewhere out to chill, drink and all. 
    But not tonight with this terrible flu down on me and I've to wake early tomorrow! 
    School's been pretty fine and I think I frequent Np as much as I frequent my own school. 
    Well, well. 
    Ok seriously, how can I ever stop spending when I'm vising blogshops everyday. 
    Didn't I tell myself that after the mega retail therapy at town that day. 
    I would stop for probably two weeks or so?
    Seems like old habits die hard. 
    Oh no, this doesn't seem good. 
    Save me someone. 
    I think I really need to lie down and catch some sleep. 
    Before waking up early because we're going for a picnic. 
    Yeah I know picnic. 
    Me up early, out in the sun. 
    It's good for a change once in awhile you know?
    Anyway there seem to be this picnic craze around now too?

    Met Meiqi and the rest on I don't know when and I'm too lazy to click on my picture folder and check out which date this was. 
    So Frolick@Cine 
    And I'm so gonna have them probably on Wed again?

    Someone just get me out of here 

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