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    Tuesday, January 13, 2009

    It's time to wake up slightly earlier for school, I've to stop being late for school. Lessons has been kinda fun as usual, with 3-2, I guess the jokes would be never ending. Guess the one whole hour of joke would be cut down when Mr Ho officially leaves the school. But there would definitely be more of such fun coming up, the new form teacher isn't fun. Compo has been my best friend for english lessons for the last couple of lessons but I'm still weak in it. I'm scare of O's, and I don't know how to catch up with it. This year's time table is the horror, 2 hours of math straight can kill. What's more is that the relieve teaching us now would be the joke of week.
    Enough of school stuffs seriously, ever since school started, every post would includes a short summary of it and this sucks. I want holidays. I need retail therapy because I'm not satisfied yet. Hope the shipments would be shipped in asap because I'm really running out of clothes. I think there is a need for a repaint in my room.
    I feel fat and I should stop throwing rochers down my throat.
    Chill please, that's foolish. Bye
    24th Dec
    Christmas dinner at home and it wasn't long before some of the guests started flooding into my home. Left for another Christmas party after that, it's the festival for turkeys, ham and log cakes. Jingle bells, christmas carols and so on. Okay I know I'm really late for my christmas post. Elsewhere for alcohol in the night. Oh where is the Christmas tree with the presents underneath?

    Here we are, at the crossroads once again

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