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    Wednesday, December 24, 2008

    Hey juvenile, I guess I've just dedicated around 10 mins, prolly how long I would take to cook myself some cup noodle or so to you for this. Claiming to be someone from our school or rather our special friend's class, since you say you don't wish to hide anymore. Why not just take off your ugly mask, you aren't having a masquerade party you know. Oh yeah, I would like to say it's not us being too dumb to guess who you're but more like we're not wasting any time on guessing who that juvenile with an uncanny behavior is, agree?
    There's a saying that goes like you won't know someone is a slut or something unless you're one yourself. So I sincerely hope you're not one you know. In this world, name me someone without any flaws at all, I suppose there isn't anyone, you're not one flawless, perfect, great person yourself either.
    Anyway since you claim to be from her class, which I doubt so, but let's say if you're from it. 15 this year, turning 16 next year. I would like to remind you, you will be taking some major exams in 2009, why not try to enjoy your holidays instead of trying to bring your classmate down. I suppose you've not been her good friend even for a period of time. Selina has been my special friend for around 3 years, thus I don't think you would have the rights to decide whether my judgement on her was right or not, that's for me to know and there isn't a need for you to be in the light of it. I don't see her as a rock blocking your path of life that you've to use all your might to move this rock away in order to walk on. So just a peace of advice my dear, just get on with life and I've no interest in knowing who you're, whether you wanna reveal yourself, it's up to you and that's all I have to say. Hope this piece of advice do get etched in you, good day

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