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    Sunday, April 19, 2009

    Happy 16th Seah Siew Hoon! 
    I know how noble already, 16th, when is my turn?
    Soon soon. We shall look forward to our 18th one.
    Dozens of birthdays celebrated since we know each other since we were eight.
    Texted this girl when I was right beside her last night. 
    Received a cute reply from her aftermath. Lol
    All right, love you girl. 

    Time passes in a swift these couple of days. 
    Sun today and back the Mon tomorrow, which means it's school day. 
    Often contradicts myself, one moment I may be missing school but the next I may be cursing under my breath over our pathetic plight of attending school. 
    Will be looking forward to the next weekend. 
    Summing up for the events of the last couple of days.  
    Thurs, dinner at Jp with the church peoples. 
    Fri, trip to some museum, walking around cbd area with school uniform. 
    Felt like a bunch of outlandish school kids marching around. 
    Thinking back, when was the last time I've been to somewhere other than Jurong and homeground in school uni? 
    Doubt there is any work for me to complete this weekend but I need to tidy up my files. 
    Head felt like it was splitting last night and was having motion sickness in the cab. 
    Reckon it was due to the lack of sleep and the half cup of lemon tea that I've downed. 
    Under usual circumstances, I would only consume like one quarter of it and it will goes into the bin. Felt dehydrated therefore the moment I got hold on that I cup. Half was gone down my throat.
    I shall stop here, gotta get prepare to head out for dinner @ Clementi Woods with family. 

    20th March

    Mixed up the date of release for confessions of a shopaholic. 
    Initial plan was to watch it but upon reaching the ticket booths, we found out that it would only be on screen next week. 
    Departure was the second choice. 
    I would say it was rather good, teary scenes. 
    Sobs and sniffs could be heard in between. 
    Held my sniffs till I heard the first. 

    Yeah it was public transport day. 
    Save the earth baby. 
    Ironic, you would see me whining about public transport the next moment and I would go for the alternatives. 
    Nonsensical-faced pictures have to be posted up once in a while. 
    This is what women are called. 
    Fickled-minded ain't it?
    I can't smile with teeths. 
    She tried teaching me, but it was all futile. 

    Foolish, cocked-eye

    I'm greeted by a set of monotone apparels everytime I open up my closet door. 
    Shop, I'm gonna shop online after I comes back from dinner. 
    Why ain't there much UO sprees around, love their apparels and footwears. 
    Why are most caucasians hotties?

    Trying to find my way back home~

    Again and again, yet again. Sometimes I just don't get it. 

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