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    Tuesday, January 29, 2008

    Chem lessons are fine today, Amath was shit cause it was test, out of 5 pages, i had 3 pages almost left blank. Damnit, why is the test so difficult? Never mind, not looking forward to the results. MT, crapping and trying to sleep. English lessons are always kinda entertaining? Lastly was Emath, chatted with Jaslyn throughout the whole lessons about totally irrelevant stuffs lol!

    I kinda got sicked of going out without money, so without money, maybe i should just meet up with cliques and stay somewhere. Till i have enough money to go on shopping spree. Gosh Singapore is getting kinda tiny, everywhere is so mundane. I love Stead and Sharon Koh ;D Hahaha, maybe meeting them and others for lunch, i miss them all!

    My life is mundace, totally lifeless.

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