I spent my day at home waking up with a mild hangover from Soul and Nana the night before. I partied everyday from Mon-Sat this week, okay Tues was spent at with the fam for dinner at Jb. By now all of you should have known that my fam is a big fan of the food there which I've no idea why too. But anyway I go there just to have a food, magazine, and tvb dramas spree. I finished The beauty of the game within 5 days, on account that I've been out everyday, I took a pretty short time to complete the entire series right? I felt so lost today because I was like racking of my brains of how I'm gonna spend my days at home when there's no more shows for me to watch. Anyway I had a great week, although it was really damaging to my liver. It's like Nana on a Mon with waterfalls, flaming and martell being poured down our throats, what a nice way to kickstart our Mon. Wed was Butter then zouk for a lil while. Thurs Firefly then Shanghai dolly where we had a lot of food there, chicken wings, carrot cakes and all. Fri night was Soul then Zouk and I had a lil too much to drink at zouk too. Shall go lay in my bed now looking thru the vivi magazine about hairstyles. I need a new hairdo. Hello Mon, I don't really like you.
This lil monster here wants to have her dinner at Vienna all because they have the test tube drink which totally entices her. Kids, kids, so easily attracted to such gimmicks.
I was all ready like really early and the best thing to do is.... Whip out the camera and start ssnapping
I was totally famished and finally everyone was there, the cousins, uncle, aunts and all.
Feels like I'm more interested in taking photos than eating. So not true, you all have no idea what went into my stomach that night
Mom will kill me when she sees me posting pictures up of her. She's very camera shy
The cousin
Happy birthday Sissy, love ya. That reminds me of the night that I wanted to bring her out with me and Sueann but she was too shy to come out.
Dad and Momsie
The maid who I'm always whining about on twitter
On the way homeeeeeee
Honestly I don't like the cake-cutting time when all the attention is all on you. A lil overpowering
Her giant bear which I always use to blackmail her with
Princess for the night <3