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    Friday, January 15, 2010


    Alright I submitted both my dae and jae application forms via net. 
    I don't even know what courses I'm applying for, but yeah just trying. 
    The chances of me going for private is still like 90 percent? 
    I don't wanna make myself go through a course that I'm not interested for like three years or something? That's kinda stupid 

    As my fingers are hitting the keyboard, I can't help it but feel like going back into bed and just sleep. I'm like really tired today
    Sick of everything today. 
    I feel lousy 

    I'll be back soon, like maybe tomorrow night or something. 
    Can't take it anymore, have to head for my bed 

    30th Nov 

    I gave work at nine west a miss because after the pc show, I got a fever and flu. 
    It was so terrible on the last day of the show that everyone told me I looked as white as a sheet of paper. 
    I thought I would black out like any moment 
    Thank god for those panadols. 

    Bff came for a chill. 
    Must be happy at work ok?
    You meet me halfway 
    I'm working tomorrow and I'm not seeing my manager for three days and that's good. 
    I like that schedule. 

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