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    Wednesday, November 04, 2009


    I'm reading through my physics textbook now but tell me how much would it help. I know I'm disappointing myself but now doesn't seems like the time to start studying again. 
    I think I've landed myself into a state of depression again or maybe being depress is my forte and it has become my very best friend. 
    There's still a part of me, my thoughts and feeling hidden somewhere no one can find. 
    I like the feeling of being mysterious, you can never guess what I'm thinking. Born to lie, is that a good thing? Doubt so but well that's me. 
    I wonder what's wrong with me tonight again but yes it's not gonna be a good night. 
    Sweet dreams and sleep tight, yeah..

    R wants to go tanning tomorrow but I might not be able to make it, hopefully she can make it like on Thurs! Because I really wanna go elsewhere after tanning like to relieve myself before I go crazy again. 
    Guess people have to prepare the mental hospital's hotline on standby incase my depression acts up. Ok what am I saying, I think it's already here now. 
    I do not have depression just that I'm feeling depress, if you get what I mean 
    Don't bother to if you don't. No one bothers anyway 

    Sidetrack about today's paper. 
    Tell me who on earth have time to sleep during their history paper. 
    Bingo, it's none other than yours truly who slept like half an hour and I only woke up after I heard the teacher's booming voice over the mic telling us to stop writing and all. 

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