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    Monday, October 19, 2009


    Alright, alright ...
    That it shall be 
    But it's everywhere 

    I sleep late and wake up early. 
    Never seem to be able to sleep well ever since. 

    No hangover, the only thing I know before I slept was that I need to sleep and the moment I wake up was that I want to ... but no. 
    Even after Triff and Ben went off last night, I still went out in that state 
    Didn't really know how I manage to do it though but yeah somehow I did. 
    The two of them plus some others have find time out to accompany me this couple of day even though they are already tied up with schoolwork on their hands. 
    I'll get the pictures of them up soon. 

    Now I'm feeling really hungry for like the first time after how many days and I don't know when was the last time I had a proper meal but I've to wait for momsie to pick up my phone and transfer me some cash but I think that by the time that happens.
    Either my gastric will kill me or I'll be not hungry at all again. 

    The big O's are like what one to two weeks away and what am I doing here?
    Got back my results slip and it was, can I say crap?
    My room is in a total chaos now and there's no way I'm able to study in there. 
    If the worst is gonna happen, I'll just accept it
    Don't give me motivational talk about how I can do it if I want to. 
    If I can I will but I know myself and don't tell me that I can be defeated with a small setback and all. 
    To me it's not 

    All was fine 

    Rach and Greg came over 
    Playing dodging games with us 
    After school, waiting for the usuals 

    I will, I really will. 
    Too hard not to 

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