Mary Jane-The Click Five. This is awesome, it's so .. Go listen to it, I had a hard time adding it to my playlist
I didn't cry the day you moved away
I didn't think that I could feel this pain
Until I saw the stranger that was you
Whatever happened to our innocence
And the somethin' that you said about being friends
Tell me how
Help me say the words out loud
I've my hair banded up, fresh clean face and had a mini wash up.
Why am I even saying all this here? I know why, because I feel like it
I'm staring at my empty room, okay it's not exactly empty because my room is always messy but momsie just tidied it up for me. Guess she just couldn't stand the sight of my room anymore.
I can have like loose change all over my floor because once they dropped onto the floor. I would be too lazy to bend down to pick them up again. So I decide to just let them be
Alright I'm done with Math or at least I'm done with it in secondary school.
We all know that there's no ending to learning more math, be in it pri, sec, poly, private, uni or even when we're working. Language isn't something that we can stop learning to
Sidetrack, Mom told me to take law if I were to choose the private route. Worth some consideration. Will decide after I get my results which is like in a few months time.
For now let me continue deceiving myself ok?
More and more people are getting complete yeah? But still I'm back to square one. The usuals in school will know what I mean but don't worry I'm still very happy for you all ok!
After O's, steady right!
Anyway if it wasn't for them today I don't know what time would I be able to step into school?
Or maybe I would have to get drenched like shit before I even manage to school.
They had to come and escort me in and they got their shoes wet, like really wet
Another sidetrack, I scare the hell out of Siewhoon today. So sorry huh! Let's go out soon alright
I seems to have so much to say every night. I'm given two days off from papers because the smart me decides to give up Amath and I think it was a rather wise choice for me because I'll never get to include it in my L1R4. With a single digit score, tell me would that ever be possible?
I think I need to try to make myself sleep soon.
Ever since, I haven't been catching much sleep. Seems like I can just survive on breathing in air.

Ok cousin is laughing his ass off as he read the comment that my lil bro left on Facebook on one of my pictures.
"You will die!"
Then the both of us started imagining how he would sound in real life with the effect of a psychopathic voice, that goes like "mwhahahaha, you will die, you will die"
Seriously I don't know what's wrong with me.
Goodnight, xoxo