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    Monday, January 19, 2009

    Deadbeat today and it's only the first day of the week, how am I gonna survive the rest of this tormenting week?
    Distinctions for math would be secured if the current lesson's arrangement would stay.
    But I doubt that would happen because Mr Ching would be back next week, that's really sad.
    Math lessons in school today had been really productive and classmates were really helpful as well.
    Today is one of the few odd days that I would really be knocked out on the bus trip home.
    The person sitting next to me kept swaying around as well and it was kinda irritating, oh well, it's public transport afterall yeah?
    Spent time with my girls today after school, but I was practically dragging my feet everywhere.
    Wonder what's wrong with my today.
    Must have missed out my daily dose of caffeine.
    Cny's stuffs are more or less settled, just a few more and it will be done.
    Guess shipments would not be able to arrive in time, but fret not, I'll prolly just order some other stuffs so that I would have more than enough apparels to choose during cny itself.
    Hectic. Bye

    31st Dec

    Last day of the year and I know I'm really late for this post again.
    Anyway this marks a new beginning, year 2009.
    Headed over to Raffles city for some exchanging of footwear, impulse decision a few nights before.
    Got some small bites and got on our feets around the mall again.
    City hall area seems real crowded today.
    Of course it would be, it's eve's night!
    The traffic there was kinda heavy, thus we walked over to esplanade.
    Wanted to catch the countdown and fireworks there at first, but we couldn't find any empty space for us to rest.
    Kept walking from one end to the other end.
    We just had to head to the ladies for a breather from the crowd.
    Going to the ladies means some camwhoring was sure to be done

    Siewhoon, we need to head out this weekend again you know!
    I think we must have stayed in the toilet for quite some time.
    It's one of the place for us to snap pictures without being afraid that the flash from our cam would be disturbing to the people around us.
    The balloons scattered in the river was really pretty.
    With the different colour lightings shining on them, it would change colour from time to time.
    Didn't have a chance to snap a picture of those lovely balloons, such a pity.
    Quite a number had their wishes and thoughts scribbled onto the balloon surface, unique idea.
    Head over to town and got there in time before the clock struck 12 midnight which spells the arrival of year 2009.
    Certain areas in town, like the front of Paragon was filled with people spraying foam at one another.
    There were also a few other bunch of people moving around with spray cans in hand.
    Spraying at any walking strangers whenever they had the chance to.
    Only a lil of the foam landed on us.
    Hanged around Wisma, looking at live bands perform and making small racist jokes.
    Alcohol in the night till the next morning, didn't manage to catch a wink of sleep till afternoon.
    After getting home and taking a lil shower

    Okay, two math in a row for tmr's lesson, it will be a long day.
    I'm starting to look forward to math lessons
    Ignorant, I guess not, more of a charade.

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