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    Monday, November 17, 2008

    I've no idea why but I just feel like blogging, but I shan't update about my outings. I do hope that I can do that by tmr, let's say night, prehaps after 12 midnight? I've serious moodswings now because I fucking need ice-cream and I'm deprived of it. I feel like slipping into some casual clothes, flip-flops, then get to the nearest 7-11 or petrol kiosk for it, all the ice-cream machine in hometown's mac vicinity broke down. But I know it ain't safe to get myself out of my house now just for that tub of ice-cream, so forget it. Even a insect didn't escape my clutches, flung a set of newspaper at it and the next moment, it was lying half dead on the floor, till now it's still there. Alright I've totally no idea what I'm talking about, all I know is I wanna type. Goodbye

    Ps, Maybe I do have a fucking bad attitude

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