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    Wednesday, September 24, 2008

    Eoy examinations is coming, the timetable just knock some senses into me and I've been doing some serious studying recently. I've a bunch of lovely classmates and friends who are always there to provide help in my work. Few more weeks and this horrible examination will be over. Alright I shall briefly update again, because I don't really remember what happened again.

    27th Aug: Bugis, caught Death Race. Was quite an alright show
    28th Aug: Ilu, Imu
    29th Aug: Stucked at home for the entire day and was bored to tears

    30th Aug:

    Thanks to all who wished.
    Thomson for some family stuffs with family. Hitch a ride to Suntec to meet up with Selina. IT fair was crowded as usual, looked for them. Swensens for dinner aftermath. Thank you, I really appreciate it.

    Should I trim my fringe, I've a phobia of trimming fringe, in fact hair.

    Alright, that's about all and I shall head back to my books. I need some new gadgets, clothes, and more. I'm now a poor Shermaine because of the costly laptop that have finally arrived.

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