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    Tuesday, April 01, 2008

    Today is April's fool day, got prank by a few person. Jaslyn such an ass to say my buttons were undone. I was like what! Normal lessons, thank god the chemistry paper weren't returned to us. Pray it doesn't, I don't wanna get back them. Amath, didn't get back our papers too, were rather relief, I used the techniques that they taught us, skip those questions that you don't know & that's how I skip all the way till the end of the paper. Mother tongue was such a waste of time. Recess, then english & last lessons were emath. As told by Michelle, helped her to snap some fuckfaces of Danial. Today was kinda slacky because was just lazing around in the class during all the lessons, scribbling on her notebook. I admit i'm not a talented artist because even the smileys I drew were like shit!

    After school accompany the clique till their breaks were over then bus to Clementi. Bus home aftermath. I know the photos that i'll be uploading are seriously so no link or maybe just total darkness. But I don't care, at least you guys can still see the outline of humans. Flash weren't used that day. I'm lazy to update the details, so Michelle's blog will provide all the stuffs that happened. Stupid, funny lil stuffs that happen.

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