So here I am once again, alone at home, switching from watching hongkong dramas to watching youtube videos and reviews. I don't know why but I just enjoy doing these during my free time, it just makes me feel really leaving time for myself. I thought I would just plop onto my bed after washing up when I'm home because I looked really tired when I was out just now that I didn't had the mood to shop, nor talk and not even to eat. All I had in mind was I wanna get home quick and get some rest, I need my adequate amount of rest. All this late nights ain't doing me any good, nor my skin, I can feel it getting worst, not again.
Went off to town after school to bag some cosmetics home and had dinner with Pauline. We practically combed like 1/3 of Paragon while waiting for Leonard and Mommy I totally found what I want for my birthday already so please see this and ask me what I want alright? We would never fail to head over to 313 forever21. No idea why but we just have to step foot in there before we feel satisfied with our day.
So back to last night, off to Beelay's place with Jovene to do up our slides for our english project. Another project hot on our heels again. Give us some breathing space please, by the time we finish all our projects, I bet the final exams would be approaching, no time to rest at all. Supper at bukit timah, I think this was the fullest supper I ever had. I can totally feel my stomach stretching and this is bad, i'm supposed to be on a diet. We can't even finish the food we ordered, small murtabak became a free sized one which shocked us the moment it landed on our table. Our reactions were like, how are we gonna finish this whole thing? Anyway crashed Beelay's place for the night and headed to school straight this afternoon. For a long time, I haven't been to school early.
I've totally no idea why I like typing so much in my recent post. But just make to do with it. I miss everyone, can they all come home and make this house a lil more lively. I need my maid to be back. My room needs some tidying up, my laundries, my food, my this and that. Oh no, thank god they are gonna be home tomorrow. I'm totally not expecting mom's reaction to be any good when she sees the state of my room. I hope she would just turn a blind eye to it. Anyway I think i'm gonna give class a miss tomorrow and do some healthy activities like kite flying. Gonna wake up at 11am in the morning, wait for isaac and mich to come over and pick me up and we shall for kite flying with Ale and Michhhhh.
28th May
Mich came over to my place, if i'm not wrong, I gave lessons a miss that day too. We were thinking so hard of what to have as dinner in Clem since we didn't wanna head to somewhere far. So Sunset way it was for dinner and I think we found a nice place to have curry chicken rice. Maybe Sun's dinner or something ok?

Dailyscoops for dessert. Their brownie are one of my top favs there. The waffles there are pretty good too. I should seriously stop tempting myself with food at this kinda hour.

Looking at this shrek here just reminds me of Serangoon garden, the lan shop there, chompchomp and mac breakfast. Because we got this toy from having happy meal at the mac at Serangoon. I can't play those online role playing games for heaven's sake. It's kinda sad that I can't join the rest in their killing spree and all.

Since we still had tequila left at China one, met with Pauline and Leonard and we started off our night there

Haven't had tequila in weeks, I love them because they don't create hangovers for me.

I know you like this picture

So all I remember was that I told them I would be back at 2 or 230am, gonna head to Neverland for Daniel's birthday.

You, you you, Gary, you and Daniel! I know I was pretty wasted that night. Pauline and Leonard came down and I dragged them into Neverland as well. I know i'm pretty annoying when i'm drunk because I refuse to head home or even walk.

Your pose ok, can. Very good!

Why on earth must I have graveyard with additional martell? Graveyard itself it disgusting enough. No more, no more.

HAHA, Jon, you face also can.

I know I very short. Thank you

When am I gonna claim my reward bro?

Pauline is here. Pontian noodles for supper

Everything is too much of a coincidence. Glanced upon and everything and realised all the wrongs.