Life is way too fragile.
I've to learn before it's too late.
But some things are way too ridiculous for me to take.
Don't bother me please.
I don't feel like myself tonight.
Met Bff at Clem and we headed to One fullerton.
I still remember telling myself everytime I'm there,
it will always be because something bad or unhappy has happened to me and I really need to take some time out by chilling there.
But today was just plain chilling out there.
I was like half dead when I was out and the moment I am home.
I felt like I've drunk 3 cans of redbull again.
What is this?
I wanna sleep now but I can't.
And awesome, everyone is going to bed now and I'm here not even feeling a wee bit of tiredness.
Lunch with like half the class after poa tutorial presentation which almost killed my brain.
As I've said I've really hated presenting and thank god the lecturer didn't grill me with her killer questions which would leave me staring at her with a dumbfounded expression.
Lunch @ Madjack.
We went there with two cars and everyone was squeezed into it like sardines.
Plus three of them who hitched a ride.
I still can't get over the fact that they managed to get the driver to fetch them to Coronation Plaza on his lorry.
I mean how often do drivers in singapore agree to doing that?!
One in a million?
I think I shall try to coax myself to sleep.
So food, movie and shopping after school with classmates tomorrow.
6th Apr
All I could remember was that my cam was the main tool of the day.
It just kept working, snapping and snapping
I know I was really tired that night
We could still make our way to the 7-11 for some bites
Edwin Cheong, you hide what!
And now you look as if your whole body is inverted
Your face relax a bit
Mine still better than yours
BFF also, you know what it means can already
You and my.....
Happy already right?
I'm dead because he's so gonna start a war with me after seeing my post.
I feel cranky tonight so I'm not really updating properly.