My post are kinda outdated, but i'll try to catch up asap. But i'm just too lazy, so i'll take my own time lolololol. I need to wake up early tmr for some stuffs at Sp, so i'll just blog about what happen the past few days, i'll blog about the others maybe by tmr, provided that i'm not dead tired after the day or work tmr. Hope the heat won't kill me tmr, maybe meeting Siewhoon and Michelle lovely for Pastamania tmr. We will see how it goes
25th May, Sun
I wonder what came over my dad, why is he suddenly so into water activities? But it's alright, my mom will kill me for leaving her alone with my granny. Siewhoon called me at the last min to ask if I wanna join her & co, but I just couldn't possibly bomb my family at the last minute, i'll feel guilty. Sorry guys, next time yeah? It wasn't that bad that day, because the wind was quite strong, Shermaine is moving closer to the nature. But I didn't touch the water at all, I don't need any more tanning, I reckon anyone would disagree with me? I'm alr very tan, I need to avoid the sun!
24th May, SatClementi Central with siblings, eyebrow trimmed. Cabbed over to dad's office, dad fetch us to Sembawang Cc if i'm not wrong for some anonymous, temple dinner? I nearly died there, apparently, they arranged for us to sit at somewhere with the speakers blasting into our ears. Those dinner always have people bidding for the stuffs, my head started to ache and the music from my ipod couldn't drown away the sound of the speaker. I was kinda irritated by the heat and volume of the speaker, my face was as black as shit. God, I don't wanna attend it anymore alright? Amk aftermath, played some kid's psp then went down to car with siblings, I actually fell asleep in the car! I was really tired, so you can't blame me, but it was really cold in there. Home at around 5 in the morning.
23th May, Fri
Woke up and rot, but Michelle lovely and Sharon came to my house for a lil while, before I went to meet my cousin for lunch? Met up with both cousins, didn't had any lunch, cab back to their house. The weather was seriously killing all of us, we were easily irritated! Thanks Michelle cousin for the help with my hair yeah? Home
22th May, ThursIt's my cousins, Jerene and Michelle's birthday! Happy birthday cousins, went for a birthday dinner with family, relatives and granny at Bottle Tree Restaurant, my dad just love the atmosphere there, so it's always that restaurant. It's a pity Jerene cousin didn't join us because she wanna ace her paper the next day, hope you did well for the paper yeah? There were food my granny refused to let us eat, because of chickenpox, but we still broke the taboo or something and ate some of the foods *grins* Took pictures with Michelle cousin, but the lightings or the picture itself weren't up to standard so I only have two with me. The weather was so humid and warm and there were people eating steamboat, but of course they were sweating profusely, but maybe the like it! Home aftermath
Michelle cousin

-Oh yeah, about the "ps" in the last post, because my cousin said maybe I could go with him to the Click Five concert, but it's not confirm, so yeah better not get so excited. Even if I go, it will be tickets for the free standing ones, better than nothing yeah? Okay goodbye people, i'll have to wake up early!
Ps: I just got my fingers caught between the door, god it's so painful, but it's much better alr. Oh yeah and I suddenly feel like trading my fat psp for a slim rose pink one! I know that slim psp have alr been out for so long, but I just feel like it lol!